Thursday, August 13, 2009

SOLs and stuff...

Today Riley has SOL testing. Yesterday he said, "Mom, I have my SOLs tomorrow so I need a good night's sleep and I need you to cook me a good breakfast." Kevin said, (pretending to be me) "Ok Riley, you want Hot Fudge Sundae or Smores Pop Tart?" HaHa. I do have a breakfast cooking blockage here lately. Funny that I am a morning person but hate cooking breakfast in the mornings.

I am somewhat anti-SOL and "No child left behind." I fear this will hinder my teaching aspirations as I am not one to hold back on telling others what I think. I think students should not be left behind, but I think sugar-coating things is not really how the real world works and if you are failing miserably, that you repeat the 4th grade next year...not go on to 5th and have remediation. I also think that kids should learn as much as possible, but being the free-spirit I am, I tend to believe that much is learned through art and music and philosophy and astronomy and fiield trips and show and tell. I can remember being in grade school and people bringing in artifacts from summer trips they had taken...they would show something and tell about where they had been and what they did. It was a learning experience. No time for that now though...cuts into the SOL curriculum. I believe that students need recess and P.E. all the way through high school...and year round, not one semester or 1 day a week or whatever. They need time to release energy and goof off.

And each year, students should be taught basic skills such as making change, balancing a checkbook (not online and not with a calculator...with good ole paper and pencil), sewing on a missing button, and things such as these that may not be on the SOL curriculum. Ever been to Arby's when the power goes out? It's as if Dominion Virginia controls their brains. When the power goes off and the cash register shuts down, it is now impossible for them to give you change back because it freezes their brains. Whether you're going to be a cashier at Walmart or an MD, you need to know this stuff.

Which brings me to my next point...completion of high school. Upon completion of high school I think that the government owes you a trip around the world. Yep, you get to see the exchange, you will serve in either the military or the Peace Corp for two years. A better understanding of our freedom and sacrificies and the suffering of those around us will give everyone a better understanding of how we are truly blessed and perhaps will curb some of the "entitlement" mentality that so many of us (myself included) possess.

When we are 20 years old and have served our country, then we can decide on further education or employment. We will be much more grown up and have a much better focus on things than at 18 years old.So that's what's on my mind this morning...and Riley is out the door and I made him 2 microwavable pancakes. At least it wasn't a Pop Tart. Good luck on the SOLs Riley!

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